So, back before The Great Knitting Slump of 2007-2008, I was writing patterns and selling patterns and knitting up a storm. I even had a cruddy little website called Yvonne's Knitting Bag and had some of my original patterns posted there. Some were free and some weren't free, but I've decided that over the next few days/weeks/months/years (depending on how lazy I am) that I'm going to bring those patterns over here and make them free. Maybe somebody will want to make one of them? I saw one of the free ones on Ravelry and that's the first one I'm going to post here.
It's another reversible cables scarf, different than the one I designed for Lion Brand, but it looks cool, is super-easy, and wicked warm. I have to figure out how to post this on Ravelry as well, as somebody already linked to it (thank you :) and I don't want to make it a duplicate.
Anyway! Here is my pattern for Toasty Twisty, complete with The Worst Pictures Ever Taken (I suck at photography) for your knitting and hopefully wearing/gifting pleasure!
Materials: 6-8 ounces worsted weight yarn (depending on length you want)
Size 10 knitting needles
Gauge: Not crucial
Note: Slip first stitch of every row as if to purl.
Stitch Explanation: RT (right twist). Knit next 2 stitches together, but do not slip off left needle. Knit into first stitch again, then slip both stitches off the needle.
Cast on 34 stitches.
Rows 1-4: Knit (see note above)
Row 5: Slip 1, K 1. (P2, K2) 8 times.
Row 6: Slip 1, K1. (RT, P2) 7 times. RT, K2.
Row 7: Slip 1, K1. (P2, RT) 7 times. P2, K2.
Row 8: Slip 1, K1. (K2, P2) 7 times. K4.
Repeat rows 5-8 until scarf is desired length.
Knit 4 rows. Bind off.

This pattern is offered for personal, non-commercial use only. Items made from this pattern may not be sold without the express written consent of the author.
This pattern and the text and photos contained within, may not be copied or reproduced for any purpose other than personal use. Copyright 2008 Yvonne Senecal.
Despite the fact that I have comments enabled, in order to comment you need to actually click on the title of this (or any other) post. Sorry!
Such a nice scarf. Thank you for posting the pattern. In my queue for my boss' christmas gift.
Happy knitting.
the scarf is super cute! i was just wondering what the cast on equation is for this pattern? i usually cast on between 18 and 24 stitches for the scarves I make and was wondering if there was a way to make this any thinner. Thanks!
Gina, it's a multiple of 4 + 2, so to change the width add or subtract 4. :)
Glad you like the scarf!
Love the stitch pattern. Reminds me of brioche in its spongy, thick texture. Did a baby sweater using brioche stitch pattern. It used so much yarn and took so long due to the two row = one row nature of the stitch. This stitch will have a similar feel to it without the complications. Will be using it on some items I have in mind. A heavy alpaca yarn suggests itself to me.
Thanks for posting it.
I love the pattern. Has anyone ever tried making a hat with this pattern?
My grandson is getting this scarf in grays and blues! Love the look. Thnx for posting. Saw it first on pininterest.
I'm a beginner knitter and I've been working on a difficult afghan. This scarf is exactly what I needed to help me build up my confidence/momentum. Thanks so much for posting!
Love the look of this pattern. I am a little new to knitting, but it looks so cozy and warm that I want to try to get a baby cocoon out of it (adventurous, I know.)Can't wait to see how it turns out! :)
I'm not sure how to slip the first stitch (I'm a newbie) Thanks!
I love the look of this. I wanted to knit this in the round to make an infinity scarf. I'm guessing I just need to knit the purl stitches and that will accomplish my goal?
Do you start slipping the first stitch on rows 1 through 4 or with row 5?
All you have to do is insert your needle into the first stitch and slip it straight onto your other needle. In this pattern you insert like you would if you were going to purl. But you don't purl the stitch... just slip it onto your other needle and then work the next stitch in the row. I hope this helps. I'm new to this, too lol.
I am still a beginner so I have no idea how to knit in the round yet! Very frustrating lol.
You have made the Russian poachers site http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/der_engel678/post340563873//
The slip 1 just means to slip the first stitch from each needle on to the other needle without knitting or purling it. This is common in most patterns.
I'm sure you have figured it out by now, but for others, the answer is the 5th row.
I'm sure you have figured it out by now, but for others, the answer is the 5th row.
I'm so new to knitting I'm not even really sure how to ask this question. But I'm wondering do you pearl the pearls and twist the twists of twist the pearls and pearl the twists? Like should the RTs line up or be off of each other? I hope that makes sense. I love this scarf and really don't want to mess this up.
Thank you! I was searching for Christmas gift scarves and I think this fits the bill!
I cant wait to start knitting again. Im home from the CoVid 19 pandemic and may have just the right amount of time for this pattern. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern!
Can you explain the Right Twist please. I think I know what you mean, but would love an explanation, just in case
I would love to make a matching hat. Anyone try it?
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